Studioszene Masterclasses

Your skill upgrade awaits

Are you an Audio Engineer, Producer, Songwriter, Home Recorder, or looking to dive into music production?

Then secure your access to the Studioszene Masterclasses and take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn directly from established engineers and producers, exchange ideas with them personally, and network!

Book the Masterclass Upgrade with your ticket and enjoy know-how en masse.


Get your Ticket & Upgrade now

Not convinced yet?

Here are six more reasons why you absolutely should book the Studioszene Masterclasses!


The Masterclasses offer you 90 minutes of in-depth insights into the workflow of experienced studio professionals. Learn directly from the best in the industry!

Deep Dive

The established engineers and producers document their entire workflow. You will see exactly how they proceed, which tools they use, and the mindset they bring to production.

Original DAW sessions

Original DAW sessions of well-known tracks are shown and documented step by step. This gives you the opportunity to gain detailed insights into successful productions.

Tips and tricks

You will learn exclusive tips and tricks that the professionals use to enhance their productions. These insider insights are often not available anywhere else.

Expand your skills

By learning new techniques, tools, and methods, you can take your own productions to the next level and make them even more professional.

Interactive learning

The Masterclasses offer an interactive environment where you can ask questions and receive direct feedback. This fosters a deeper understanding and helps you solve specific problems.

In summary, the Studioszene Masterclasses provide a comprehensive opportunity to significantly expand your knowledge and skills in recording, mixing, mastering, and producing.

Included are:


Warren Huart (Produce Like A Pro, Aerosmith, The Fray)

Henning Verlage (Sotiria, Bernhard Brink)

Kalli Reinhardt (Nico Santos, Lena)

Zino Mikorey (Deichkind, Nils Frahm)

Philipp Schwär (Kettcar, Tim Bendzko)

Dom Rivinius (Taylor Swift)

Moritz Enders (Silbermond, Blackout Problems)

and more!


Get your Ticket & Upgrade now

The whole world of the Special Area Studioszene

The exclusive Masterclasses take place in the Special Area Studioszene as part of LEaT con 24.

Studioszene Icon

The Studioszene is our community space for audio engineers, producers, and home recorders. Here, passion meets professionalism and top audio brands in an inspiring environment that invites learning, exchange, and development.


Learn more about Studioszene here

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