Sustainability is a hot topic in society. The event industry has also made sustainability a core issue. Nevertheless, it has not yet reached everyone’s minds and there is still considerable potential to improve the industry’s carbon footprint. Since the climate protection law and the associated climate targets were tightened in June 2021, the pressure to deal with one’s own emissions is now also increasing. Although there are no specific legal requirements for individual companies (yet), only a sustainable company will stand out from the competition in the long term – and, above all, make its contribution to a future worth living for all people. It is time to act. It is time for:

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With green up together, LEaT is working for more sustainability in the event industry. The main concern is to promote awareness for this topic as well as to raise awareness for more sustainable behavior, and at the same time to make it easier for interested parties to find their way to more sustainability – with introductory seminars, workshops and concrete recommendations as to how to act.

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You are also passionate about this topic? Would you like to get involved or are you a pioneer and would like to show exemplary ways with your story? Feel free to contact us – and let’s work together for more sustainability in our industry.

Contact us!

Current workshops and seminars

  • Practical workshop
    Sustainable event management

    Practical workshop (online) with the agency Eventvoll: After a basic introduction to sustainable event planning, a sustainable event concept will be developed.

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    Practical workshop (online) with the agency Eventvoll: After a basic introduction to sustainable event planning, a sustainable event concept will be developed in groups.

    Lecturers: Julia Könnel & Marisa Rieger (Agency Eventvoll)
    When: Wednesday, June 29, 2022, 2-5 p.m.
    Where: Online

    Further information


  • Preview: Online seminar
    SustainDigital: Sustainability vs. digital events

    An online seminar in partnership with 2bdifferent
    How sustainable are digital events? Which fields of action are there for sustainable digital events?

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    An online seminar in cooperation with 2bdifferent

    How sustainable are digital events? Which fields of action are there for sustainable digital events?

    Lecturer: 2bdifferent
    When: tba
    Format: Online workshop

    +++ More info will follow soon +++


  • Preview
    green up together special

    A 3-day online special on sustainability, with presentations, deep dives, best practices and much more.

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    A 3-day online special on sustainability. Main topics: Basics of sustainability, sustainable events & planning, sustainable business management

    with many lectures, deep dives, best practices and much more.
    by LEaT Academy & friends

    When: September 20-22, 2022
    Format: online seminar
    Where: on our own
     video and event platform LO:X

    +++ More info will follow soon +++


    Sustainability at LEaT con 2022

    Discover the topic of sustainability at the LEaT con 2022 | the networking convention

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    Sustainability is also a major theme for the organizers of LEaT con. Sustainability will not only be a topic of the stage program, but also the LEaT con itself will act sustainably.

    EVENT PARTNER published the article “Stress-free and sustainable: the trade fair concept of LEaT con 2022”  about the sustainable trade fair concept.


    >> More information about the LEaT con 2022.


Lena Gesell

Any questions about green up together?

Just send me an email with the subject “green up together” to

I look forward to your inquiry and will get back to you as soon as possible.


Lena Voss
LEaT Academy Manager

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