Any questions about the LEaT Academy?
Simply send an e-mail with the subject “LEaT Academy” to
I look forward to receiving your inquiry and will get back to you as soon as possible.
Lena Voss
LEaT Academy Manager
to LEaT Academy
green up – together!
for more sustainability in the event industry
Sustainability has been a topic in the event industry for a long time – yet it has not yet reached everyone’s minds. Many industry participants are not aware of their own carbon footprint. However, it is not that difficult to determine this and counteract it with suitable compensation options. Many event agencies have defined suitable fields of action and plan their events according to simple but efficient guidelines. But it doesn’t stop with event planning: with the adapted (stricter) climate protection law, entrepreneurs also have to deal with the topic of sustainability. How do I convert my production to sustainability? And how can a well thought-out, sustainable company management succeed? How can I document and communicate my own sustainability strategy? How do I recognize sustainable service providers and products? And: Aren’t sustainability and digital events actually contradictory?
The LEaT Academy is currently putting together a comprehensive series of seminars on these (and other) questions relating to sustainability in the event industry. For more information and specific dates, click >>here<< … #greenuptogether